Cognitive Science of Religion
In the spring semester of 2021, I taught a senior undergraduate-level course on the Cognitive Science of Religion which I designed myself.
Here is the course description:
Cognitive science of religion is a field in which the study of how people think meets the study of how people believe and worship to ask and answer exciting questions. In this class, we will grapple with some of these questions, including where beliefs and religions come from and how they develop. In this course you will write a paper in which you investigate and analyze tensions between the beliefs and behavior of people in a particular religious context. But what is a belief? And what makes a belief religious? Why might tensions arise between people’s religious beliefs and behavior, and why are such tensions interesting? To answer all these questions (and more!), we will delve into the field of cognitive science of religion.
Check out the syllabus
Opinions, Beliefs & Truth
In the fall semester of 2020, I was the assistant instructor for a course titled Opinions, Beliefs & Truth: The Challenges of Psychology and Neuroscience. It was a new course, and I had a hand in creating and developing the course material, which was a blend of methods in psychology and history and philosophy of science.
Over the course of the semester, I gave two guest lectures via YouTube, thereby living out my pipe dream of becoming a video essayist :)
I taught this course with the incomparable Rick Hullinger
Assorted Assistant Instructorships
In addition to the above courses, I have been an assistant instructor for the following courses at Indiana University:
Sensation & Perception Fall 2022
Introduction to Psychology Summer 2020
Statistical Techniques Spring 2020, Fall 2018
Human Memory Fall 2019
Methods of Experimental Psychology Spring 2019